Data that helps hospital leadership analyze alarm volumes and identify trends.
AirStrip Alarm Analytics gives hospital leadership the alarm data they need to make the right policy decisions. With AirStrip Alarm Analytics, users can view and analyze alarm data by date range, facility, unit, severity, category, and alarm type. The alarm data is pulled from primary source systems, integrated using the AirStrip MDI library, and served up in an easy-to-use reporting tool.
The Alarm Escalation Report provides a bird’s eye view of all alarm audit trails with the ability to drill down into the details of each alarm. Alarm Escalation Reports come standard with Alarm Management.
The Alarm Duration Dashboard shows alarm duration data by severity, category, and units. Users can view average duration with trends and can filter the data by various criteria.
The Individual Alarm Detail Dashboard tracks data related to a single alarm type. The data displayed includes total alarms, average alarm value, highest alarm day, alarm histogram, and alarm total - daily trend.
The Alarms Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of alarm events for selected locations. Clinical leaders can analyze alarms by label, severity, and category and target interventions to reduce alarm fatigue.
The Alarm Burden Comparison Dashboard displays total alarms by day, top alarms, total alarms by unit, daily trends, and unit distribution by category and severity. Clinical leaders can utilize this dashboard to compare and understand alarm burden across locations.
The Quality Initiative Assessment Dashboard provides a 30-day overview of alarm data, which can be filtered by date range. This dashboard summarizes the alarm burden for the given period, providing a statistical summary of alarm volumes per day by category and severity to help identify alarms contributing to alarm burden.
The Alarms by Date Dashboard provides a clear visual of daily alarm event totals. This report helps pinpoint patterns, such as alarm increases on weekends or days with limited alarm activity.
The Top Alarms Dashboard showcases the top alarms by cumulative totals. Clinical Leaders can utilize this dashboard to identify the most common alarm labels that attribute to noise levels impacting staff and patient experience in specific care areas and/or within the entire facility.
The Alarm Volume by Bed Dashboard summarizes alarm frequencies by type, severity, and category for each physiological monitor. Clinical leaders can utilize this dashboard to understand within a unit what beds are responsible for noise levels and/or alarm fatigue.
The Care Area Summary Dashboard enables users to understand the cumulative alarm data within a specific care area to quantify alarm burden and to identify areas experiencing alarm fatigue. The data helps clinical leaders better understand the frequency and burden of non-actionable alarms and implement interventions that prioritize clinically relevant alarms.